Sadly, I have no pictures to share right now, because although we took tons of pictures, my camera is missing. This is the second Canon, that has disappeared, oddly. I last saw it on the table while everyone was eating pie, I snapped a few more pictures, and that is all I know! I have looked through every basket, trash can, and cabinet I can think of. I even looked for the camera in the freezer, the fridge and the bathtub. How could it just disappear from the apartment like that? My husband is over it, but I am really bummed. Sure pictures are just pictures, but it feels like years later, that this year wont be documented. Last time, the camera was left in my husbands old car door pocket, and I think it probably just fell out one day. I was very upset about that one, since for years I used HP cameras and found out how much I loved Canon. Then later, I realized it was sort of a good thing it was lost, because I got a better newer camera out of it! I am a gadget girl at heart, I love to have my digital camcorder, my 10 megapixel camera, my husbands iPod and my HTC Incredible Android phone. So, perhaps it will be another blessing in disguise, but in the meantime, I am back to using my Nikon Coolpix, camera which I like, but do not love! My complaint is the shutter speed is too slow, and I find I am constantly missing great pictures just by a few seconds. Well, I am still hoping my camera will show up, and thankfully I had emptied it right before Thanksgiving, so I have a cute pilgrim to leave you with. Now, on to Santa pictures, there will surely be tears, then on to Christmas and New Years, its going to be a busy fun crazy time.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thankful for My Crazy Life
Sadly, I have no pictures to share right now, because although we took tons of pictures, my camera is missing. This is the second Canon, that has disappeared, oddly. I last saw it on the table while everyone was eating pie, I snapped a few more pictures, and that is all I know! I have looked through every basket, trash can, and cabinet I can think of. I even looked for the camera in the freezer, the fridge and the bathtub. How could it just disappear from the apartment like that? My husband is over it, but I am really bummed. Sure pictures are just pictures, but it feels like years later, that this year wont be documented. Last time, the camera was left in my husbands old car door pocket, and I think it probably just fell out one day. I was very upset about that one, since for years I used HP cameras and found out how much I loved Canon. Then later, I realized it was sort of a good thing it was lost, because I got a better newer camera out of it! I am a gadget girl at heart, I love to have my digital camcorder, my 10 megapixel camera, my husbands iPod and my HTC Incredible Android phone. So, perhaps it will be another blessing in disguise, but in the meantime, I am back to using my Nikon Coolpix, camera which I like, but do not love! My complaint is the shutter speed is too slow, and I find I am constantly missing great pictures just by a few seconds. Well, I am still hoping my camera will show up, and thankfully I had emptied it right before Thanksgiving, so I have a cute pilgrim to leave you with. Now, on to Santa pictures, there will surely be tears, then on to Christmas and New Years, its going to be a busy fun crazy time.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I Can SEE!
I was anxious the day of surgery, however they gave me a pill to relax. When I went into the surgery room, they handed me a teddy bear to hold, and I thought they were joking! I did cry after they did the first eye, I have to say it was nothing like a fish sucking on my eye as some say. It just plain hurt and was uncomfortable with all the lights flashing and then you must look at a green blinking light the whole time. All the while people just keep dropping different types of drops in the same eye, and at one point your vision goes completely dark. I just tried to think, one down one to go. The doctor said, "Wow, are you okay? Maybe we should stop before going on to the other eye." I said, 'NO, just get it over with'! Thankfully the right eye was not as extensive of a surgery, and was over before I knew it. I really thought the worst was over, no pain no gain right? However, they then told me that the worst was yet to come, the first four hours would be painful and that I should go home and sleep. I warned my husband that he would be with the girls, for at least the first day, good thing too. I was in bed for at least four hours, but I hardly slept at all. I experienced the worst itching and burning pain, it made me want to gouge my eyes out, so I took more Motrin and slept about 20 minutes and then after about 30 more minutes the pain thankfully began to subside. After that sensitivity to light was the next step and then after a couple of days I was driving during the day. Sure my youngest daughter did poke me in the eye and I had to go back and have them fix it, just a wrinkle they said. It was sore for just two days and then it was almost Halloween and my husband asked me, how were my eyes and I realized they were excellent. So a week after my surgery I was driving at night, with no problems at all.
Though the experience was not one I wish to repeat, I would still stay it was worth it. I have to remember at night not to think I need to take out my contacts. As I am laying in bed and wake being able to see the city lights, I keep reminding myself, that no I did not not fall asleep with my contacts in! Some people like my husband, have been lucky enough to have been born with a good eye gene. I hope my poor eye sight is one thing my girls don't inherit from me! I really appreciate my sight now, even when I get a baby toe or finger poked in my eyes!
Halloween with no Contacts or Glasses! |
Friday, October 29, 2010
Overprotective Mom
This brings up a interesting topic at our house, since some characters my daughter knows but has never seen the movies they come from, for example Dumbo, and Bambi. My four year old daughter has learned who they are from books and TV, but now she is asking me when can she watch them. I bended with Pinocchio a few months ago, and was horrified at the content in the movie watching it from my child's eyes. Have since been told I am sheltering my kids. Now at 4 years old I have to not only tell my daughter that smoking is bad, but I have to tell her what it is! Ughh this is the hard part of parenting. I told her she can see them when she is older, and that is working so far. So is my daughter going to go Trick Or Treating? I would like to avoid it this year, since my youngest is too small to understand much. However, will I be able to get away with it this year, probably not we shall see.
The idea of having your children go knocking on strangers doors in this day and age just seams wrong to me. Maybe its because I live in this crazy big city of Los Angeles, where Halloween can bring out the freak in the already freaks. For kids its just fun to dress up and get candy. I loved filling my pillow case with candy as a child, but back then, we left safe staying in well light neighborhoods, with neighbors we used to know. These days most people don't even know there neighbors on there same street anymore. However, I love Halloween, and so I think next year, I am going to start having Halloween Parties and throwing them at home for family and with kid friendly activities, keeping the begging off the streets for my preschoolers...guess I am just a overprotective mom, and that's okay with me.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Glasses, Contacts, or Lasik?
Although I am able to rant on and on about my glasses I have enjoyed my contacts in the past, and miss them. Sure a few times my kids have poked me just right in the eye and my contacts have popped right out, but for the most part I had no complaints. The funniest thing you've probably ever seen is me trying to find the lost contact without being able to see it of course! Oh, anyway, now on to the surgery. Its just a few days away, and I thought I would be more nervous about it by now, but I am not. I have watched all the videos online the from UCLA Eye Center and talked to many friends and family who have had it. One person described the actual surgery to feel as if a fish is sucking on your eye ball. Now doesn't that sound wonderful, at least is only lasts 5-10 seconds! I am excited to see the clock at night from the bed, and to see my kids better in the middle of the night when they call for me. So here goes nothing and I hope to be glasses and contact free on Friday well, at least until I need bifocals.
Lasik Surgery Day: Bye Bye Glasses |
My Review of Crayola Color Wonder Disney Glitter Coloring Sets - Disney Fairies Tinker Bell
Originally submitted at Toys R Us
Mess Free Color Wonder Glitter markers enhance the already magical experience in this coloring set. Color your favorite Disney Princesses anywhere, anytime! Set includes 2 Color Wonder Glitter Stampers, a 24-page Coloring Pad and 4 Color Wonder Mini-Markers.
From its earliest beginnings,...
Good idea, bad product in reality
Pros: Character Likable
Cons: Glitter doesnt color well, Messy
Describe Yourself: Child Care Provider
Primary use: Personal
Was this a gift?: Yes
My mom purchased this for my daughter, a princess herself. My four year old was very exited to color Tink and her friends, but found the glitter impossible to color with the markers. I even tried and your can color it (shade it really) if you use the marker on the side and press really lightly. This is NOT a good product. Glitter gets everywhere even on the markers and pages DON'T color well at all. Please don't bother the other non-glitter pages a much better buy.
Friday, October 15, 2010
No Green Thumb
My Bougainvillea Now |
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The Old View |
I picked a bougainvillea plant because I love how they bloom all year round in California. Bougainvillea are everywhere and very bright, come in many colors, pretty to look at, and don’t need much water. However, my adorable husband brought home a pot for it that had no holes in it for drainage. My knowledge of flowers comes from the gardening I did as a kid, which was at a house and in the ground. I didn’t even think to check for holes in the bottom, I just repotted it. I made a huge mess, but I was proud of myself, and my plant did very well for a little while. I left a sense of accomplishment, I could be a plant person. It looked great, I wanted more, but my husband said lets see how this one goes. Then someone gave us two ficus trees, which of course I have had no problems with! The balcony soon became bearable and I started taking the kids out there again. It changed the way the apartment looked when you were inside you could see green and pink, and we were happier. Sadly, the leaves began to fall off my bougainvillea, even though the flowers continued to bloom. I was concerned and looked up online how to care for bougainvillea’s and found I should only water them every other day or so if they are potted. I changed my watering from everyday to every other day and yet the leaves still did not return.
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Old View With Plants; Bougainvillea (with no leaves) |
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Baby Curl Blues
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What is a 'Supermommy'? Well to me, its the kind of mom who can balance everything. When my first daughter was born, I had the hardest most sleep deprived 4 months of my life. Jasmine cried so much, I even began to call her the "difficult" baby. After that things started getting easier and by her first birthday I thought I could do it all and be Supermommy. Although I didn't go back to work, being ready for all that could happen with my new little girl was my job. I was prepared for everything with my diaper bag full of back-up plans and Just-In-Case's, all created based on my previous experiences with Jasmine. When my second girl was born everything was thrown into a whirlwind again. My second daughter was a much happier baby though, and became my "easy" baby, after a few months of sleepless nights. While I was pregnant with both children, I was very forgetful, and for some reason with my second child the forgetfulness has at times, stuck with me. I still try to be prepared and have my Supermommy diaper bag. It is a backpack diaper bag that my wonderfully thoughtful husband bought me for my birthday when he noticed me spending months trying to find the 'perfect' one. I am still thrown by what I forget some days! I have been on overnight trips and discovered I packed no baby wipes, or so low on diaper cream I had to buy more right away. No big deal, we travel in the US so drugstores are everywhere, but it makes me feel bad when I forget things.
If being a stay at home mommy is my job, I am not always at my best. My boss, would have pulled me into their office for a meeting many times, if I had one! Oh wait, my husband has pulled me aside a few times and told me to relax! I somehow managed to injure my back this weekend, and now I feel I can not do my job the way I would like to. I want to be everywhere, doing everything, but my back pain hinders me. After a few days of having my husband take Jasmine to preschool, I have liked the extra time I have not driving back and forth. I have even thought it would be nice if I could have more days where I am not the only one trying to meet every need of the kids, when I am feeling better. I could have more time for me, and get more accomplished for the family, and not just the kids. I have realized in the last few weeks I give everything to my kids and family and do not leave much for me. How can I be a Supermommy and give myself the care I need to not go hurting my back from constantly carrying my one year old around? Maybe someday I will get back to a Superme, until then maybe its okay for just my kids to think I am a super mom.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Dogs or Cats?
I've been told, thanks to my friends on Facebook, its a French Bulldog. Turns out the dog lived in the building and belonged to a resident who had a 8 year old daughter, which explains why she is good with kids, she is used to being around them. Also, its name was not Sniffer, her name is JJ, and the owner didn't have the dog listed on her lease! Oh no! Free pet rent for a few months, and now she is in trouble with the Property Manager, my husband! Maybe that's why they didn't call until today, who knows. Jasmine, however was sure hoping to keep this cute little dog. So even though I woke up and came downstairs to the smell of dog, looking at its picture now, I am smiling and thinking how cute she is! Has the world gone topsy? No, I think I still am just the same city girl, who thinks dogs are happier in homes, and not our apartment. I have often wondered how people in cities are able to keep their dogs happy. Do dogs like going up and down elevators at all hours of the day to do its business hoping it finds a good patch of grass? I have seen my neighbors that own dogs in ways I have never seen my non-dog owner neighbors. In pajamas, hair messy, bag in hand, to take their dog out for their morning or late night walk no matter the weather. Is it so different to clean up a dogs poop much different then changing my babies diapers? I guess people just get used to the unpleasant things since probably love their dogs the way I love my kids. Well owning a dog right now, is definitely not for me, maybe someday a cat...once Charlotte is out of a crib.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Lost Doggie...
My husband and Jasmine took her for a walk, then I let her stay inside since she is very calm and good around the kids. After an hour I noticed a smell, and figured out she had done her business on the balcony, well at least it wasn't inside! After that, I thought perhaps I shouldn't trust my carpet with this dog, and put her out on the balcony and closed the door. However, she barked after a few minutes looking inside to come in. I checked online and it said bulldogs are good with kids and not outdoor dogs, I said I am not a dog person! So I let her in and she just licked her paws nonstop. Once she stopped and looked at me, the way my parents dog does when she wants to get up on the couch and relax, hoping for some petting. So I thought, she needs a doggie bed, so I took a blanket and folded it up for her and she went right on it and went to sleep several minutes later. I am beginning to think this dog is very well behaved and is kind of cute too. She was disturbed after a while because there was barking on the TV! I never would have thought a TV dog would upset a real dog. Then she tried to settle back down on the blanket, but other dogs outside were barking. I started thinking this maybe a long night, and where is this dog going to sleep? If I put her in the bathroom, with a blanket and water, will she bark at night? How will she sleep in a new place, so far she hardly seems to care she is not in her home! I hope my husband is taking her for a walk when she needs one tomorrow morning, because Mama is not doing it!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Haircuts, Cowlicks, & Pigtails
Charlotte at 1 Month Old |
Jasmine at 1 Month Old |
AHHH!!! Jasmine at 16 Months 1st Salon Cut |
Charlotte's Pigtails & Bangs @ 1 yr old |
Much love,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Domestically Challenged
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I am shaking but try hard to calm down some when I see my husband face, and my older daughter running to hide in her room. I went to get a popsicle to help stop the bleeding and to distract Charlotte from the chaos, and suddenly she is FINE! I decided the ER was probably no longer necessary and called our dentist (he's family). As my husband calmly takes his shower and gets ready to leave, I am anxious and impatient. The Dentist said if had stopped bleeding there is really not much to do but make sure it came out all in one piece...which it did and heals correctly.
35 minutes in L.A. traffic to the other side of town, and all I can think about is how she won't have her first baby tooth for years until the adult tooth comes in later. Will it affect her speech, will it be harder to eat, will she need braces, and will she be teased? All the while can't cry, though I really want to. I am sitting in backseat with the girls, to hold my daughters hand and be supportive, yes my husband is driving, since I am a wreck...not fully showered. Yet both girls are laughing and playing, so I realize I am the only one who needs support!!
The Dentist said it was a fairly clean pull, went forward a little so she may be sore for awhile, back to applesauce, and softer! Great, I just got used to her having two teeth, and ready for the tops to come in as well, now back to one. Most likely it will heal just fine, but her adult tooth "bulb" (makes the tooth grow and come out), may have been damaged and only time will tell or an X-ray later on, if it was damaged enough to keep her adult tooth from ever forming and coming in. He said if she was a model, she could have a fake put in, but he's never seen it at her age, and they do not recommend it since it is glued in and you run the risk of infections and of her possibly swallowing it!
Charlotte was really fine after that, and her mouth is almost completely healed and it’s been almost two weeks since the accident. Charlotte got the most upset when I told her she could not have crackers! (She is eating them now though) We go back in 6 months for a check up...and that's it! It took a few days for my heart to heal, yes I cried for 2 or 3 days, but talking to family helped and after that my stomach stopped lurching every time she smiled and it started to make me smile too again. I am not sure looking back, why it affected me so much, but it emotionally I was all over the map. You try to guard and protect you kids from so many things and then something so random and unreal happens and I felt out of control completely, and that I had failed as a mother.
Lots of love to all,