Monday, October 4, 2010

Dogs or Cats?

Call me crazy, but I think I, yes me, not a dog person, got a little used to have a good dog around. I had Andre put her picture on the properties new website last night and sure enough someone called to claim the dog this morning. Funny how the owner just called this morning...didn't they know the dog was gone all night? We put posters with pictures all over the property, I felt bad for the little dog.  I will have one sad little preschooler when she gets home from school and finds no dog.  The dog was actually very good, and quite. She barked a few times overnight, but not too bad, considering she is in a new place.  When we all got up, she didn't make much noise, but Jasmine let her out of the bathroom and played with her. Then I gave it breakfast, more beef stroganoff, and I made Andre take her for a walk, and Jasmine went along too of course.  As Andre went to take her for the walk I reminded him to take a bag with him just in case, and the look on his face was priceless.  It dawned on him that the dog might do its business and he would have to pick it up! I realized I kind of missed the dog while it was on its walk. When they returned I told Andre if no one claims it today, we are going to have to do something, and no we are not keeping it, no matter how cute and well behaved it is.  Then Andre looked at me and said, "You have to pick up its poop!" I soon remembered who I was talking to and knew Andre was on my side. Charlotte was adorable, copying the constantly sniffing dog, with her own sniff, sniffs, it was too cute! 

I've been told, thanks to my friends on Facebook, its a French Bulldog. Turns out the dog lived in the building and belonged to a resident who had a 8 year old daughter, which explains why she is good with kids, she is used to being around them.  Also, its name was not Sniffer, her name is JJ, and the owner didn't have the dog listed on her lease! Oh no! Free pet rent for a few months, and now she is in trouble with the Property Manager, my husband! Maybe that's why they didn't call until today, who knows. Jasmine, however was sure hoping to keep this cute little dog. So even though I woke up and came downstairs to the smell of dog, looking at its picture now, I am smiling and thinking how cute she is! Has the world gone topsy? No, I think I still am just the same city girl, who thinks dogs are happier in homes, and not our apartment.  I have often wondered how people in cities are able to keep their dogs happy.  Do dogs like going up and down elevators at all hours of the day to do its business hoping it finds a good patch of grass? I have seen my neighbors that own dogs in ways I have never seen my non-dog owner neighbors.  In pajamas, hair messy, bag in hand, to take their dog out for their morning or late night walk no matter the weather. Is it so different to clean up a dogs poop much different then changing my babies diapers? I guess people just get used to the unpleasant things since probably love their dogs the way I love my kids.  Well owning a dog right now, is definitely not for me, maybe someday a cat...once Charlotte is out of a crib.

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