I cut my second daughters hair for the first time, and my husband couldn’t be sadder to see those baby locks go. She is 15 months old now, and it was time she got a trim, the girl has so much beautiful curly dark hair! Its a cute cut and I took her and her older sister when it was time for school pictures. I convinced the hairdresser to trim my babies locks. She stayed fairly still, but didn't want to wear the cape, so we did with out and just gave her a bath afterwords at home. The hairdresser was smart enough to give her a box of hair clips to her to play with (with Mommy supervision of course). Charlotte soon noticed the clips were little hats, which even I didn't notice until she started signing 'hat' while the nice lady is trying to trim her hair! I take them to Kids Kut's on Wilshire and my oldest daughter, Jasmine, loves it there. They have kids movies playing on a big TV for them to zone out to, while they cut the hair as they sit in these cute lifted cars. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera, so I only had my blackberry phone, and the camera is mediocre at best, so this was the only picture that turned out okay.
I was so proud of myself taking both girls after school and with out any melt downs (by any of us) got both girls hair trimmed and home in time for afternoon nap. Much to my surprise, when I got home, my husband was sad to see I cut Charlotte's hair, but thought Jasmine looked super cute. I was so shocked since I made sure I was there the whole time, and told her what to do, so a disaster didn't occur. I know the bangs are shorter then I would have done...but they probably did that knowing I wouldn't be back for a while. I started to get offended, and then I remembered how I felt when my husband came home one day all proud that he had taken Jasmine for a haircut with out me. That day I was the one who felt sad, that she had bangs when I had been growing them out, and there were way too many and too short! I guess the parent that doesn't go maybe just feels left out some how, or for me especially, out of control. Hair grows back, we know this, but isn't it funny how much hair can change your look, and how you and other people feel about it? Hair is so much a part of our identity, is it frizzy, straight, curly, thin, thick, gray? It makes us feel out of control and we want to control our hair and tell it to be what we want it to be. Que sera, que sera. I still think my girls are cute no matter what!
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