Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thankful for My Crazy Life

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone, this years' dinner was again, a success.  My husband has asked we always host Thanksgiving, to begin a tradition of dinner at home for our children to follow for many years to come.  Although this year was a little more stressful with a one year old underfoot when ever I was cooking, and towards the end she wanted to held the whole time! I took on some challenges to do all my dishes from scratch.  Dessert, I haven't braved yet with the whole dinner, that was brought by my aunt, and the pies were delicious.  I have to give credit to the Food Network for introducing me to a brine recipe for brining the turkey, it was so tender and juicy.  My family was a great support, trying to keep the kids busy while I was preparing the food, and my husband was setting the table.  There were a few scary times, when I thought I had overcooked the turkey, but it was great, and when a glass pot lid got to hot, popped and shattered all over the stove in the middle of cooking many Thanksgiving dishes!  Well I can't be cooking a major meal, without some sort of disaster, can I?

Sadly, I have no pictures to share right now, because although we took tons of pictures, my camera is missing. This is the second Canon, that has disappeared, oddly.  I last saw it on the table while everyone was eating pie, I snapped a few more pictures, and that is all I know!  I have looked through every basket, trash can, and cabinet I can think of.  I even looked for the camera in the freezer, the fridge and the bathtub. How could it just disappear from the apartment like that?  My husband is over it, but I am really bummed.  Sure pictures are just pictures, but it feels like years later, that this year wont be documented.  Last time, the camera was left in my husbands old car door pocket, and I think it probably just fell out one day.  I was very upset about that one, since for years I used HP cameras and found out how much I loved Canon.  Then later, I realized it was sort of a good thing it was lost, because I got a better newer camera out of it!  I am a gadget girl at heart, I love to have my digital camcorder, my 10 megapixel camera, my husbands iPod and my HTC Incredible Android phone.  So, perhaps it will be another blessing in disguise, but in the meantime, I am back to using my Nikon Coolpix, camera which I like, but do not love!  My complaint is the shutter speed is too slow, and I find I am constantly missing great pictures just by a few seconds.  Well, I am still hoping my camera will show up, and thankfully I had emptied it right before Thanksgiving, so I have a cute pilgrim to leave you with.  Now, on to Santa pictures, there will surely be tears, then on to Christmas and New Years, its going to be a busy fun crazy time.

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Can SEE!

My Lasik eye surgery was about two weeks ago. I can say I am very happy with my vision today, my surgery was a success.  I had a really hard time writing a follow up for my surgery without being too negative and whiny.  So time has passed, and I am hoping it will come out better now.  IT HURT!! Apparently, my pain threshold has dropped since the birth of my children. I used to be a fairly tough girl, but now I have turned out to be a wimpy woman, and I am not exactly happy about it.  Once again I have lost control of one more thing!  I have talked to people who have also had Lasik and they claim it did not hurt. At first I figured this is similar to the labor pains mothers experience, they are awful, but manageable for just one day, and the result is the birth of a child, so you begin to forget the pain!  Yet there many moms that will torture they're kids for years about how awful the birth really was. Everyone is different, I hear this alot, yet all that really means is, "Bummer, sorry it was so bad for you, lucky me!"

I was anxious the day of surgery, however they gave me a pill to relax. When I went into the surgery room, they handed me a teddy bear to hold, and I thought they were joking!  I did cry after they did the first eye, I have to say it was nothing like a fish sucking on my eye as some say.  It just plain hurt and was uncomfortable with all the lights flashing and then you must look at a green blinking light the whole time. All the while people just keep dropping different types of drops in the same eye, and at one point your vision goes completely dark.  I just tried to think, one down one to go. The doctor said, "Wow, are you okay? Maybe we should stop before going on to the other eye."  I said, 'NO, just get it over with'! Thankfully the right eye was not as extensive of a surgery, and was over before I knew it. I really thought the worst was over, no pain no gain right?  However, they then told me that the worst was yet to come, the first four hours would be painful and that I should go home and sleep.  I warned my husband that he would be with the girls, for at least the first day, good thing too.  I was in bed for at least four hours, but I hardly slept at all. I experienced the worst itching and burning pain, it made me want to gouge my eyes out, so I took more Motrin and slept about 20 minutes and then after about 30 more minutes the pain thankfully began to subside. After that sensitivity to light was the next step and then after a couple of days I was driving during the day. Sure my youngest daughter did poke me in the eye and I had to go back and have them fix it, just a wrinkle they said. It was sore for just two days and then it was almost Halloween and my husband asked me, how were my eyes and I realized they were excellent. So a week after my surgery I was driving at night, with no problems at all.

Though the experience was not one I wish to repeat, I would still stay it was worth it. I have to remember at night not to think I need to take out my contacts.  As I am laying in bed and wake being able to see the city lights, I keep reminding myself, that no I did not not fall asleep with my contacts in! Some people like my husband, have been lucky enough to have been born with a good eye gene.  I hope my poor eye sight is one thing my girls don't inherit from me! I really appreciate my sight now, even when I get a baby toe or finger poked in my eyes!

Halloween with no Contacts or Glasses!